Anxiety, a Condition Affecting Every Third Person
Anxiety is a major global health issue that often goes undiagnosed through standard medical tests, as all results typically appear normal.
Essentially, anxiety encompasses feelings of fear, dread, nervousness, restlessness, cowardice, agitation, unwarranted worry, needless exhaustion, mental fatigue from overthinking, weight loss, poor nutrient absorption, preoccupation with the future, hopelessness, bleak outlook, waking dreams, self-accusation, acting as one’s own lawyer and judge, and even delivering a self-imposed death sentence. It’s a relentless cycle of thoughts and fears.
Anxiety is a complex condition with diverse symptoms that vary from person to person. There are approximately 316 identified symptoms, and no two individuals experience them identically. In simple terms, an anxious person becomes distressed by a false belief, which they then internalize and fear. This fabricated notion becomes their perceived reality, causing constant worry and unease, despite having no basis in truth.
Upon closer examination, anxiety appears to be more prevalent in women, often stemming from hereditary factors, life events, menstrual issues, and pregnancy complications. However, it’s increasingly common among men as well. The rise of 5G internet, pornography consumption, and masturbation addiction has led to a surge in anxiety disorders among young men. In fact, generalized anxiety disorder is the most common mental health issue linked to these habits. This disorder, characterized by fear, dread, restlessness, and declining health, is often attributed to an imbalance of dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine in the brain.
Anxiety is suspected when an individual experiences persistent health decline, unwarranted fear in daily activities, preoccupation with serious illnesses, constant nervousness, a sense of life being meaningless, or the belief that they’re suffering from a hidden disease like cancer, diabetes, hepatitis, or AIDS, despite normal medical test results (CBC, BP, HB, ECG, sugar, T3, T4, TSH, cholesterol, typhoid, etc.). In essence, the patient suffers from inexplicable unease and restlessness.
Common Symptoms:
- Fear
- Dread
- Nervousness
- Digestive issues
- Weight loss
- Shortness of breath
- Negative thoughts
- Loss of appetite
- Constipation
- Frequent nocturnal emissions
- Frequent urination
- Dryness
- Trembling hands
- Fatigue
- Insomnia
- Weakness
- Constant rush
- Rapid heartbeat
- Sleep disturbances
- Difficulty concentrating
- Living in a fantasy world
- Social avoidance
- Impatience
- Low self-esteem
- Dizziness
- Sensitivity to sunlight
- Prickling sensations
- Restless leg syndrome
- Increased sensitivity to cold
- Dry mouth
- Excessive sweating
- Heartburn
- Feelings of inferiority
- Obsessive thoughts
- Chest pain
- Gas problems
- Fear of death
- Hot flashes
- Left arm or wrist pain
- Constant worrying about the future
Currently, approximately 60% of the world’s population is affected by anxiety. A notable characteristic is that it often manifests as feminine traits in men, such as shyness, social anxiety, difficulty asserting oneself, and lack of confidence. It can transform strong individuals into timid ones. While completely eliminating anxiety is challenging, it’s important to remember that it’s not a life-threatening condition.
Seeking professional help from a psychiatrist is crucial, but it’s equally important to avoid becoming overly dependent on treatment. Managing symptoms through lifestyle changes and staying active is essential. A positive aspect of anxiety is that sufferers tend to fear death and avoid self-harm.
- Adopt a healthy lifestyle
- Engage in regular exercise
- Participate in social gatherings
- Avoid isolation
- Prioritize restful sleep
- Practice mindfulness to reduce overthinking
- Consider vitamin D, iron, magnesium, and B12 supplements after consulting with a doctor.
- Seek solace in religion and spirituality
- Limit sugar intake
- Avoid pornography and masturbation
- Seek professional help from a psychiatrist or psychologist.
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